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2005-09-23 - 12:09 a.m.


I really should know better but I just had to go and whine about my life being so boring and tedious. Poor me I had nothing to "blog" about. Ha who says God doen't have a sense of humor. Shortly after my last entry I got my wish. There was DRAMA! TRAJEDY! BLUBBERING SOBBING TEARS (mine)! YELLING! CUSSING! I must admit it probably says something unhealthy about me the way I reacted. See? some son of a bastard stole my nice stroller today. In front of an elementary school! In bright daylight! With gillions of people around. And I'm not talking my $15 umbrella stroller. Nooooo my good, big, easy to push stroller that I was using to take my walks every day. That for some reason was the worst part for me. At one point I found my self in my bathroom, sobbing to my husband on the phone "It IS a big deal! I need to walk(wail) I'M FAT" (cry, cry, cry) Oh the drama.

I am better now. A little. But I will still be upset about this. For DAYS I'll be upset. I will drive my husband crazy. More venting later I just got home from work and I'm tired. Night!

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